Monday, February 27, 2012

Lent. Giving up Facebook.

Give Praise
Give Thanks

To sacrifice and dedicate the heart to Christ, in preparation for the Crucifixion and Resurrection.

It had become a habit. To think about my life in terms of how it reads on the interwebs. On fB. On blog. And then yearn. Yearn for response. Reaction. Validation in the recognition.  Prideful.

Yearning. For validation. From people.

Each time, is time spent, not walking with Him. Nor with him, who He has charged and gifted me. If I'm choosing fB time, even in THOUGHT- over time with Him, even in Prayer, to whom goes the glory. To whom belongs my heart. Am I living the as person I profess to being?

Simply, no.

God. Thank you for you mercy of a new day. Each day you give, I yearn to grow in grace, ripen in spiritual harvest.

My this lenten season, drive me to you. Even when I run away. Even when I rebel. May you hold me fast. My the change be for you. May the change be shown to be you. For I can do nothing with out you. Your love alone allows each day a miracle and another.

A good worthy Lent read from a Holy Experience

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