We are here

Welcome. You have found this blog through no doing on my part. It is my hope that if you are here, you find it worthy to your life and glorifying to God. I hope you can see a bit of redemption beginning to come through. I hope you find a way for peace in your life. Of what we all truly need. Peace. His peace.

This blog was started as my personal journey and shout out to my Lord. I'm not a good christian girl. I'm not a bible thumping maniac. Most of the time I have no idea what I'm doing or how I'm getting by.  I don't know if I'll ever find a church where I 'fit' and believe all the things they report to be true according to the bible. For what I glean, from the same passages used to draw lines separating 'them' and 'us', is love is most important and should draw us closer to love all others. You will not read religion here.

I've made mistakes in my life. Oh. So. Very. Many. These past 6 years or so have been a journey to becoming. Becoming a better me. A person with value. A person of value to God. The one I shunned so often. The one who never left me.

I find it odd when I hear "I found Jesus." Dude. Just open your eyes. He was there all along.

I never finished "One Thousand Gifts". I gave it away before I could finish it. It felt like the right thing to do. It changed me. It moved me. It touched and motivated my soul. It reminded me, simply, of that which is stated throughout the Bible. Miracles happen everyday. For His glory. Give thanks. Praise. Pray. 

Here, you may be uncomfortable reading 'too much information'.  For I have much to ask forgiveness.